Solomia Solutions – Bridging Worlds with Engineering Brilliance

Founded in 2019, Solomia Solutions has quickly emerged as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the world of custom software solutions. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful idea, born from a combination of growing client demands, the IT talent shortage in Germany, and our Ukrainian heritage, rich in IT expertise. Alongside the spark of creativity often found in a glass of evening wine, we saw an opportunity to build something extraordinary.


Our Philosophy

“We create solutions with a global workforce of engineers, data scientists, and architects. Brilliant software built by brilliant minds.”

At Solomia Solutions, we’re more than just a tech company. We’re a family business, passionately crafted by a father, a daughter and a partner. Our commitment is to understand your business first, ensuring that we keep your interests at the forefront of everything we do. Our aim? To deliver unparalleled value and customer satisfaction, fostering long-term, reliable partnerships.


Our Expertise and Team

We specialize in near- and offshoring, transforming the well-known challenges of this domain into strengths. At Solomia Solutions, our approach is simple yet effective: we bridge the cultural and communication gap between our German clients and the exceptional IT talents worldwide. This strategy is particularly relevant in addressing the IT skills shortage in Germany and leveraging the burgeoning IT sector in Ukraine, a region with which we have personal connections and expertise.

In response to the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, we adapted our focus to source more from our global network. This shift has not only demonstrated our resilience and adaptability but has also strengthened our network, which is now more robust than ever. Our ability to tap into diverse talent pools across the globe ensures that we can continue to provide top-tier services to our clients, regardless of external challenges.

At the heart of Solomia Solutions are our people. Our team in Germany, along with key partners with whom we frequently collaborate, forms the core of our operations. Each member brings a unique blend of expertise and passion to our projects. We are deeply committed to fostering an environment where creativity, innovation, and growth thrive. This philosophy doesn’t just benefit our clients; it’s a cornerstone of our daily ethos, enriching every member of our team and extended network.

Originally, we began our journey with a fully remote operation. This approach aligned perfectly with our business model and provided a distinct advantage during the pandemic, allowing us to operate seamlessly and efficiently in a challenging global landscape.

However, in the spirit of embracing change and growth, we have expanded our operations by establishing an on-premise team and opening a new office in Hamburg Eppendorf as of September 2023. This significant development enhances our ability to collaborate closely and integrate our efforts more effectively. The new office space not only symbolizes our evolution as a company but also provides a physical hub where our Hamburg team can connect, create, and innovate.

Our Culture

For us, value is twofold: delivering exceptional results to our clients and nurturing a culture where our team, partners, and freelancers are excited to create innovative solutions. We believe in the power of collaboration with exceptional talents, fostering an atmosphere of growth and enjoyment.


Our Team in Hamburg-Eppendorf

Klara Becker

Project Manager

Lars Böhm

Project Manager & Data Analyst

Hardy Nabulsi

Project Management Assistant

Olga Zhogova

Accounting Assistant

Mohammed El-Nabulsi

CTO & Solution Architect

Solomiya Terletska

COO & Data Analyst

Our Key Partners

Yuriy Kostiv

Managing Partner (ext.)

Dr. Thomas Jansen

Architect (ext.)

Dr. Hannah Dolinska

Head of Data & AI (ext.)

Join Us on Our Journey

Our journey at Solomia Solutions is one of continuous evolution and growth. Each step we take is driven by innovation, a commitment to excellence, and a passion for solving complex challenges with our global team. As we forge ahead, we remain dedicated to expanding our capabilities, exploring new opportunities, and building lasting partnerships. We invite you to join us on this exciting path forward, to witness and be a part of the remarkable journey that lies ahead.